Anton Guinea

Creating Conscious Control


Anton Guinea was a 21-year-old sparkie when he survived a near-fatal workplace incident that changed his life forever.

Current Work:

For 15 years, Anton has worked with over 150 businesses globally and has dedicated himself to supporting businesses to create psychological and physical safety through empathetic leadership. Anton has developed and implemented methodologies that create lasting and impactful safety change, through a combined approach to psychological and physical safety.

With a Business Degree in Human Resource Management and currently studying a Psychology Degree, Anton is the lead speaker that leaders listen to.


Talking Points
Upgrade Your Mindset (With resilience, the leadership superpower)
Upskill Your Leadership (Through reflection and reframing)
Uplift Your Teams (For high performance and psychological safety)
Uphold Your Safety How to not get killed at work: stories from a survivor
Uplevel Your Identity The three ways to conquer the spectrum of perspective

