The event ran seamlessly. Some sensitivity was required around certain issues that emerged and he handled these with the respect required. He was also poignant and entertaining. The event was a great success and Michael played a key role.
- SMS Management & Technology
Your huge contribution, hard work, and sense of humour were greatly appreciated. Without your co-operation, flexibility and professionalism, this event would never have kept together in times of need.
- David Grant Special Events
We received many very positive and complimentary remarks from our clients and staff and I would like to echo those comments by thanking you for your sterling efforts.
- Allhank Trading Company
Michael is a very funny, flexible and spontaneous performer who is a pleasure to work with. His quick wit and charm makes him relate to the audience instantly. He is fantastic!
- Outloud
I am sure you could tell by the attention that you were a huge success, really capturing our attention. There was much laughter and lots of smiling faces and I received lots of positive comments, you really warmed out hearts.
- Albert Park Inc
Michael please accept my thanks, you were a wonderful MC for the evening, you had the audience laughing and having fun in minutes of taking over the lectern. We all appreciate the amount of effort that went into preparing your material, it was topical and effective, most comedians would prepare a show that would be used over and over again, but you prepared for just the one evening, this is why we think you were so special.
- Star City Sydney
You have an amazing ability to capture the attention of children, while amusing their parents at the same time. I have not seen you perform for sometime in public but Saturday reminded me of why your name has remained familiar to me.
- Victoria Racing Club
Management and staff take this opportunity to thank you for a night which will not be forgotten. Your professionalism in managing the night was nothing short of sensational and we could not have chosen a more enthusiastic and crowd pleasing MC.
- Union Steel
Just a note to congratulate you on a job well done. Everyone I talked to about the event commented on the way the MC made the night. Your sense of timing, sense of humour and sense of propriety was an excellent mix.
- Peninsula Institute of TAFE
Your great sense of humour along with the wonderful anecdotes were contributing factors to the success of the Education Launch. We appreciate your involvement with the program, and believe there couldn't have been a more interesting and talented launcher.
- Rialto Towers
Once again thank you for your wonderful effort. You really are extremely good at the old warm up... and that my friend is truly an art.
- Hilary Inness (Exec. Producer, The Aria Awards)
Thank you so much for a truly funny, witty and entertaining evening. Honestly, the feedback from the staff and management alike has been terrific. The prizes and funny activities put everyone in a great mood. You kept the night flowing and I was floored by your quick wit and constant funny gags. Thanks to your professionalism, everything just fell into place. Even the band was impressed by your talent. All I can say is that we certainly would use you again in some capacity for a long time to come.
- The Franklin Printing Group
I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for the wonderful job you have done in hosting a variety of Master Builder's events over the years. The entertainment that you have provided our members, both at regional and state events, where numbers range from 150 to 600 has been outstanding. Michael, your brilliant wit and wide repertoire has charmed the various audiences that have attended these events. From pre-function to stumps, you are always 'switched on'. Our guests speak highly of you well after the event. A true professional who is a delight to work with!
- Master Builder's Association
Michael's a true professional. He has the knack of commanding the attention of all the people in the room, can quickly convey to the audience the purpose of the function and what is expected of them as an audience. All this is done with authority and a wonderful sense of humor. Michael is a master of thinking on his feet and is always on hand to add more than required to make any event a great success.
- Pam Barnes (Exec. Producer, The Logies)
Just a quick note to let you know that Michael Pope stole the show on Saturday night - every single bit of feedback from guests has been that 'Michael was the star!' He more than earned his keep on stage and they simply loved him! He is an absolute professional who reads his brief, does his homework and never misses a beat.
- AFI Awards - Kerry Freer Events
Thanks for your fabulous performance - it really gave our evening the feel we were looking for. We've had great feedback - immediately after and continuing today. The general feeling was that people admired the fact we could poke fun at our industry, and not be so serious all the time. Your performance ensured our clients will be talking about our event today and in the future.
- Hay Group
Michael is a great MC, he was very easy to work with particularly because he did this event last year and knew the demographic of the group. Michael was professional and kept the formalities running smoothly as well as entertaining the guests during a lengthy Awards presentation.
- Fuji Xerox
Thank you so much for a truly funny, witty and entertaining evening. Honestly, the feedback from the staff and management alike has been terrific. The prizes and funny activities put everyone in a great mood. You kept the night flowing and I was floored by your quick wit and constant funny gags. Thanks to your professionalism, everything just fell into place.
- Franklin Printing Group
It was such a huge pleasure working with you Michael. Despite all the ongoing changes you remained calm, accommodating and on the ball. Nothing was ever a problem... a talent and attitude that made my role so much easier - thank you! I really look forward to working with you again soon.
- Venables Creating Entertainment
Just to tell you we had a fabulous evening last night. Michael Pope worked like a charm, especially the 'roving reporter' segment he did on the Vision truck with our Marketing Manager. It is hard to keep the audience's attention when it comes to product presentations, but Michael made it happen. I was very impressed with his professionalism and involvement in the night as if it was his own. Our mining manager said, 'it sounded as if he knew what he was talking about!'
- Mack Trucks Australia
I just wanted to say a belated thank you for the fantastic job that you did as MC for the Restaurant & Catering Australia National Awards for Excellence. Your ability to entertain and maintain the interest of the audience ensured that the night was not the dry, predictable Awards night that so often happens. Thank you for your guidance along the path and for the outstanding job that you did on the night.
- Restaurant & Catering Victoria
I've had the pleasure of working with Michael Pope on a number of occasions and I consider him to be one of the most experienced and professional comperes, hosts, producers et al that I know. His interaction with people is fantastic and his public speaking is interesting, knowledgeable, humorous and reflects many years in the entertainment industry.
- Bert Newton
We couldn't have asked for a better conference. We worked hard through a lot of heavy sessions and Michael kept it all flowing and used great techniques to highlight key messages in the most fun and entertaining ways. His unique skills helped make our conference work to its best... a true professional, flexible and easy to work with.
- Rheem
Michael is such a highly talented and skilful MC who engages audiences in a way that he puts energy and buzz into any audience. He goes above and beyond in his preparation and research of the client, their audience and key messages and themes. Michael is also able to 'wing it' and ad lib when necessary due to technical issues or last minute changes to agendas or presenters which is a highly valuable asset to any producer in the live events space.
- CiCreate
Thank you Michael for contributing to what was another outstanding conference at Hamilton Island. As MC your ability to manage the agenda with a perfect blend of humour made for a memorable conference for both the delegates and the plenary and break out presenters. Should you wish to ever promote the plenary session you delivered on Presenting Skills, I would gladly offer myself as a referee. The content of the presentation was outstanding and the talk amongst the room afterwards was that it will surely help our franchisees to run more effective seminars and customer meetings.
- Mortgage Choice
This is the 3rd year we have used Michael to MC our Annual Awards Night. Michael understood and interpreted our brief throughout the evening, adapting to his audience and ensured just the right mix of fun & serious. He is an experienced professional who does his homework and takes control, ensuring that timing is kept and everyone is comfortable and entertained. Before we knew it 4 hours had passed and the evening was over!”
- Apprenticeship & Traineeship Employment Partners - ATEP