

Australian Speakers Bureau Future Speakers are futurists and futurologists with the ability to offer fascinating and accurate insights into the future of everything from work and politics, to technology and food systems.
Australian Speakers Bureau Future Speakers take an interdisciplinary approach that draws upon scientific data, cultural studies, marketing, forecasting, operations research, investment management and risk analysis. They combine this information to make predictions that will help your company prepare for the future.
Dr. Kjell A Nordstrom

Dr Kjell A. Nordström is the interpreter of…

Jeremy Rifkin

Jeremy Rifkin is an American economic and social…

Charles Brass

As the Chairman of the Futures Foundation, Charles…

Dr. James Chin Moody

A leading thinker in innovation and sustainability, James…

Dr. Paul Scully-Power

Dr Paul Scully-Power AM is an integrator, strategist…

Morris Misel

Nothing feels more natural to Morris Misel than…

Roger La Salle

Roger La Salle is a challenging, dynamic and…

Nic Frances

Nic has spent the last 3 decades leading…

Nils Vesk

Nils Vesk is a reinvention and innovation expert…

Richard Watson

Richard is Futurist-in-Residence at the Entrepreneurship Centre at…

Fiona Caulfield

Fiona Caulfield has over 25 years of global…

Harry S. Dent

Harry S. Dent, Jr. is a best-selling author…

Sam Johnson

Sam Johnson has lived his life in the…

Omer Soker

Omer Soker is the CEO of The Ethics…

Dr. James Canton

Dr. James Canton is a leading global futurist,…

Gihan Perera

Has disruption – from COVID-19, employee burnout, global…

Peggy Liu

As Chairperson of Joint US-China Collaboration on Clean…

Shara Evans

Shara Evans shows organisations how to take advantage…

Nicholas Wyman

Nicholas Wyman is an internationally renowned speaker and…

Karen Palmer

Karen Palmer is the Storyteller from the Future.…

Dr. Jenine Beekhuyzen

Dr. Jenine Beekhuyzen is a futurist who believes…

Scarlett Vespa

Scarlett Vespa is exposing ageism by revealing the…

Simon Kuestenmacher

Simon Kuestenmacher is a Director and Co-founder of…

Steven Burgess

Steven Burgess is a leading contributor to the…